Ecco i risultati dell’ottavo Balkan Photo Contest organizzato in Romania. Speleoclick si piazza al terzo posto con una delle foto di Daniele realizzate recentemente in Brenta.

Dear Friends,

During the Balkan Cavers’ Camp 2018 in Romania, we publish the results from the 8th Balkan Photo Contest “WeAndCaves”. Many thanks to all the participants! The contest is organized by Speleo Club Prista and the Balkan Speleological Union. For the first three places prizes are provided by Landjoff Ltd. People Underground

  1. Cosmin Berghean, Into the deep, Lazului Cave, Romania
  2. Phil Bence, Star in the Dark, Las Goffias, France
  3. Speleoclick Daniele Sighel, Porthole, Grotta del Castelletto di Mezzo, Trentino, Italy
  4. Yann Gardère, Entrée du porche, Grotte de Gournier, France
  5. Matej Zalokar, Planinska jama, Slovenia
  6. Mark Burkey, Main Passage, Krem Dam, India